
Companies, Scientific Institutions and Universities from the field of satellite communication joined forces in 2008 to form the German Center for Satellite Communication (DeSK) based in Backnang.

The aim of the DeSK is to bring the members together to expand business relationships and to bundle them into a powerful network, thereby generating synergies. In addition, the cooperation between companies based in the Stuttgart region and nationwide in the field of satellite communication is to be strengthened.

Furthermore, joint activities to recruit skilled workers are carried out. In addition, the DeSK is involved in innovation projects. Furthermore, the DeSK is responsible for operating a showroom on the subject of "satellite communication".The competence center is the result of a joint initiative by Tesat-Spacecom GmbH, the city of Backnang, the district and the Stuttgart Region Economic Development Corporation (WRS).Further information can be found here: DeSK

The German Society for EMC Technology e. V. (DEMVT) is a technology company that was founded in November 1991 in Munich as a non-profit association. DEMVT opens up many opportunities for members to deal with EMC. The costs for the individual services of the company are extremely low.

This is what DEMVT offers:

  • Inexpensive participation in conferences, symposiums and congresses
  • Free information on standards
  • Workshops: Prices for members are much lower than for non-members
  • DEMVT seminars, training to become an EMC specialist in 3 stages and much more.

Further details can be fount at

The EMC Competence Network was founded in 2003. More than 30 dedicated electrical and electronics specialists work together in this network. Aim: Mutual support on the subject of EMC. 

Due to the increasing networking of devices, equipment and systems with each other, the tasks are becoming more complex. The members of this network use their respective special EMC expertise for the benefit of their customers and market partners.

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