Antennas for EMC, HF & Microwave Applications

*BiConiLog Antenna*
for broadband measurement tasks, 80 MHz-6 GHz; 750 W CW; Individually calibrated @ 1 m, 3 m,10 m

Antennas for EMC, HF & Microwave Applications

LogPer Antenna
Compact Antenna 200 MHz-3 GHz Typical antenna factors or optional calibration

Antennas for EMC, HF & Microwave Applications

Inexpensive Set for emission:
30 MHz-3(6) GHz consisting of: Bicon antenna & LogPer antenna, wooden tripod & 5m measuring cable in a practical carrying case for mobile use, including typical antenna factors (calibration optionally possible).

Antennas for EMC, HF & Microwave Applications

Different Horn Antennas
e. g..: Double bridge horn 1-18 GHz/40 GHz excellent antenna factor & VSWR

Antennas for EMC, HF & Microwave Applications

Different Loop Antennas
9 kHz – 30 MHz with built-in preamplifier

Our Range of Offers

You can get inexpensive antennas for development-related, up to individually calibrated antennas for standard-compliant measurements from EMCO. Thanks to our many years of expertise and partnerships with various suppliers, we are able to provide you with optimal advice and service. Special antennas such as striplines, MIL antennas and antennas for various wireless applications are also part of our portfolio.

Antenna Product Overview:

High-quality, calibrated antennas from ETS-Lindgren for EMC & antenna measurements

PMM antennas for classic EMC applications

Horn & Special Antennas

The Plus with EMCO Elektronik

You discuss your application with our experts and, as an independent provider of various manufacturers, we look for the optimal solution for you in terms of price and requirements.