eSAR3D - fastest SAR Measurement System
The SPEAG product portfolio includes the entire range of innovative and standard-compliant solutions for measuring the specific absorption rate (SAR), but also near-field measurements across a wide range of applications. Either magnetic fields from 3kHz for Magnetic Power Transfer Systems (MPT) or to wireless applications at 110GHz, there are manual and fully automatic robot systems for recording measurement results.
The DAK products are systems for measuring the dielectric parameters permeability, conductivity and loss factor in the high frequency and microwave range up to 67 GHz in liquids and solids.
The sister company ZMT developed the Sim4Life software suite for medical applications based on the FDTD solver Semcad X and supplemented it with the most comprehensive family of human phantom and tissue models. Relevant when assessing the safety of active medical implants or calculating electromagnetic radiation during contactless charging.
Magnetic Field
Dielectric Measurements
meet all standard requirements
DASY8 is the most accurate scanning system available today for testing compliance from kHz to >100GHz
(meet all standard requirements).
Fastest (3 measurements per second) and most accurate vector-measurement based array SAR system,
fully compatible with IEC 62209-3.
SPEAG’s Magnetic Amplitude and Gradient Probe System (MAGPy) is a cutting-edge all-in-one instrument
for fast and reliable compliance testing.
Whole body, partial body, head, and hand EM phantoms for SAR, over-the-air (OTA) and proximity sensor
compliance and devices testing.
I3-D full-wave electromagnetic and computational life sciences simulation software. Upgrade to the
most advanced CLS platform Sim4Life
Precision scanner for near-field EMI/EMC analysis with TDS probe technology and 5G mm-wave
power density compliance tests.
Advanced measurement system for dielectric materials in the electronic, chemical, food, and medical
industries from kHz to 67 GHz.
OH4VNA is a bi-directional radiofrequency (RF-) over-fiber link that offers the most reliable means
to measure electrically small antennas.
Stand-alone measurement systems for high-precision multi-channel magnitude measurements
(SAR, electric, magnetic, and temperature).
Next-generation probe systems: small, active, and optically fully-isolated for measurements in the
time and frequency domains.
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